Excellence in Examinations

Education has very important role in determining the future career of an individual. Many students become anxious and experience significant stress during and prior to examinations. Through professional help, the self-esteem of the students can be increased, study skills we can be improved and we can guide the students towards success in examinations.

  • Ideally, to excel in exams, systematic method of studying should start at the beginning of the academic year.
  • Revise each subject in the best possible way.
  • Notes of the main points should be prepared and reading these notes just prior to exams will help the students to recall the topics easily.
  • Solve previous years’ question papers and sample question papers as many as possible. This will help the students to improve the speed, accuracy and self confidence.
  • For the final revision, self-study will help the students to retain more knowledge in long term memory.

Every year, prior to examination, several students are brought to child guidance clinic for management of exam tension and also for improving the exam performance. The children under stress experience emotional responses related to stress in the form of lack of concentration, forgetfulness, impaired sleep and appetite or physical symptoms related to stress. They need scientific therapy from experts in child guidance. By scientific management of exam stress, the physical symptoms will subside and these children can be guided to write the exams with self confidence.

To Manage Exam Tension

  • Be relaxed
  • Never become anxious prior to exams or in the examination hall
  • Set realistic expectations
  • Never compare yourself with other students
  • Think positively
  • Have a good schedule for completing all the syllabus in the correct time
  • Take a small break after 1 hour of studying

Time Management

Time is very precious. Hence use maximum time in the best possible way to get maximum academic information.

  • Organize yourself
  • Develop study planner
  • Make an academic diary
  • Divide appropriate time for each subjects
  • Focus on one task at a time and avoid multitasking

Improve Memory

  • Mnemonic devices help in remembering facts in a better way.

Mnemonics are clues which help us to associate the information we need to remember, with visual image, sentence or a word.  Name mnemonic, expression mnemonic and image mnemonic help to improve memory.

  • While studying, connect new data to the facts which you already remember
  • Understand the basic idea before reading complex facts.
  • Repeat the facts you have learned and do maximum revisions. This will increase the ability to retain information for longer time.
  • Identify your learning style and understand whether you are a visual learner or auditory learner. Adapt your study method according to your natural style of learning. This will help to get best results in exam.

Through professional guidance, the motivation, self confidence, study skills and life skills of the students can be improved.

                     Best wishes to all students for excellence in examinations